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RE: Stuffed Trout Peppers!!! Part 1 (Triumph Over Snow)

I absolutely love this post, this has to be my favorite post I have seen on steemit, you might ask why.

Well I thoroughly enjoy how you go from water to table, but that's not the reason.

I am astonished at how well you tell the story, but not it either.

You show your skill in what tackle to use when the weather is changing, but that's good, but no cigar.

You use your head in where to hold the fish, where to stand and give that happy look, which I would be happy with that fish as well, but yes another but, most folks now days take good photo's.

Ok, I will stop and give you the reason this has to be my favorite post,


haha, love ya man


I absolutely love this comment. lol when i posted the picture I said to myself I look so frumpy with my fly down and all. Just shows how much fun I was having, didn't even notice the breeze. Thank you so much, I'm glad you like it despite the typos and grammar errors.