Call the exterminator!

in #mytechlife54343 years ago

Call the exterminator!

As it always goes, some of the people deploying caseworkers didn’t get the memo about how the site worked and the qualifications needed to come work with us. Me: Just type what’s on the top line into the top box and then put what’s on the second line on the second box. Me: Just use the mouse and click into the top box and put in your username and then put your password in the bottom box. I worked with her supervisor a couple weeks later and found out that in her 82 years of life she had never used a computer. Carol was transferred to a different department a few hours later where she didn’t have to use a computer and I hear she did great work. She would work cases thoroughly, get aid out, and close the case quickly. Everyone on the floor's attention immediately came to the screaming woman, except the couple of the people nearby that started looking for the mouse.