Like, how did you even manage that?

in #mytechlife57103 years ago

Like, how did you even manage that?

Because we are an international company with a complex and super secret box of network resources, Steph needed access to our vpn. "Ok, first, open up zoom and send me a message, so I can remote into your computer"
She says ok.

Fifteen minutes pass. But this user, lets call her Steph, well, she is a black hole because she very dense and not super bright.

Aw gawwd, you just made me pstd to a couple of days back. Turns out she somehow Managed to delete zoom, on a user account with no admin privileges. I am an IT guy, and most of my users are moderately competent at using the equipment I so kindly provide and maintain for them. Not Steph, I knew I was gonna need to do it for her and explain how do it again for future reference.