Bought the wrong software and don't want to admit you made a mistake? Cool; pay 5x as much and lose your job.

in #mytechlife58033 years ago

Bought the wrong software and don't want to admit you made a mistake? Cool; pay 5x as much and lose your job.

Configuring a backup job and installing software are two different tasks that need two different sets of permissions. I was to install and configure backup software on their Windows Server (important later) and test to ensure it works. Why would it backup a Windows Server but not install on a Windows Server? Karen: federalant9 here says he needs extra permissions to install the backup software. My understanding is you want the backup software installed on the Windows server, right? When I called, they said this would also back up my Exchange server. Also the backup soft--

Karen: My other tech (let's call him Paul) uses those accounts fine to run the backups.