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RE: Banksy's graffiti in Ukraine. Gorenka. The last part of the story

in #mywartimediarylast year

Noice Rewrite of History:

The surrender went into effect at 11:01 pm, May 8, 1945. Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin, seeking to cement his control on the eastern front, secured the signature of Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, chief commander of the German Armed Forces High Command, on an act of surrender at Soviet headquarters in Berlin-Karlshorst just after mignight. That is why Russia has traditionally commemorated the end of hostilities on May 9.


This is how I found out that in real not Soviet history. Nazi Germany signed The German Instrument of Surrender with the Allies in Reims in France, on May 7, 1945. The document was supposed to enter into force at 11 p.m. Central European (Berlin) time on May 8.

But Stalin was not satisfied with the surrender of Germany in Reims, France, he wanted Germany to solemnly lay down its arms before the Soviet command in the very capital of the Third Reich. The Western Allies agreed to hold another ceremony for him. I did not hear a single word about this either in the history lesson or on the excursion to Potsdam. I confess, for a long time I could not understand what this lie was for.

Thank you for trying to diminish the role of Russian people in the struggle against Nazism. Russians were only responsible for 76 out every 100 casualties suffered by the Nazi, and lost over 24 million in the fight, but gee wonder why nobody celebrates like the Russians, wonder why Berlin doesn't hold parades...