The Healing Protocols of The Future - Available Now!

in #naturalmedicine4 years ago (edited)

I absolutely love this image of what a hospital of the future could be like.

Screenshot 2021-01-04.png

It's my intention to co-create a healing centre along these lines and I'm even looking at ways to start doing so this year!

However, why wait?

Treatment like this is available NOW, in a decentralised way. Much of it from the comfort of your home!

Whatever physical or mental health conditions you are dealing with can be treated in this way now!

META Root Cause Analysis gives you the full picture of how your thoughts, beliefs and impact of specific past events is creating your current state of health.

From there, you can realise the many choices that you have to heal and transform your life.

Incredible nutritional coaches can guide you to eat in an optimal way for your body’s needs.

Most of us have access to nature in some way. It is incredibly healing.

Techniques such as EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, NLP and hypnosis can help you to transform your thoughts and beliefs about what is possible for your healing and all other areas of life.

Integrated health is the way forwards, combining the best of natural and allopathic approaches. Many people that I support are using both approaches.

Light, sound and energy are used in many healing techniques. Even in machines that you can buy for use at home, such as NES Health.

Get as much sunlight and fresh air as you are able to!

Lack of laughter, love and connection is often a major contributor to any health condition. I always make sure that there is an abundance of these in individual and group sessions, even when dealing with the most serious and challenging subjects. It’s an essential part of healing when held in a safe and unconditionally accepting place.

There are no staff. However, I am part of a community of practitioners that all share knowledge, insights and mutual support. I am also delighted to work as a team with any other health practitioners and doctors/specialists.

Tapping techniques treat both the unseen energetic and the physical aspects. When EFT was developed by Gary Craig 25 years ago, it was all about the unseen (meridian system).

Since that time, there have been many peer reviewed studies showing the real physical outcomes, including average 37% reduction in cortisol, 113% improvement in immune system markers, resting heart rate and blood pressure both down 8% plus many more (see work by Dr Peta Stapleton, Dawson Church among others, or ask me for details of this).

There are also many other great processes that can work in this way. I love tapping as it is simple, direct and effective.

If you are ready to take charge of your own health and heal yourself, get in touch.
I can support you to understand the root cause of your symptoms and put together a personal integrated healing plan that works for you.

And, due to the current global situation, I want as many people as possible to benefit from this, so I am charging just £150 for this (reduced from £350).

Get in touch if you want to know more. I have space to work with 4 people currently.

Wishing you abundant health, freedom and happiness!

If you want to see a real life example of someone that healed themselves in this way, here's a recent case study about a client with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Morton's Neuromas -


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