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RE: $40 today for my dog. $3740+ and growing! Puppy fundraiser

Native Americans say that this life is hard and that we must endure it. Which I wholeheartedly know however the positive definitely outweighs the negative. And positive definitely equals living. If you are negative you're not really living


The stoics say much the same. Life is meant to be lived and sometimes I think many of us forget that.

I have times where I have come to and looked back at the past months and realize I have done nothing but exist. But I have just now realized that I needed those times as a sort of reset for my head. Life comes at us like waves and sometimes it is nice to hang in the lull between waves.

Absolutely there have been some times where meditation and my thoughts were more important than career rat race and stress. Some people may call it lost time however it was finding myself time.

And honestly for your mental health it is extremely important.

One of my favorite sayings is, "If you can't help yourself how can you help others?" I take this to heart. We/humans need to focus on ourselves more as a whole. Making sure our own heads and lives are right. That means making sure our mental health is at least monitored if not in check. That's where I hope for your to get your next buddy.