$40 today for my dog. $3740+ and growing! Puppy fundraiser

Well I helped out my little brother and he threw me some funds and 2/3 of that is going directly into savings.


Yep and I think I'm also going to throw a couple of bucks from my wallet into the pile as well.

Super appreciative for everybody's help and support and I am doing my best to get to the goal with all of your support.

It definitely hasn't been an easy few days however it has been absolutely amazing with all of the love and support from the community.

even though I am a little bit sad about having to lose my motorcycle it is a very small price to pay.

If I could I would absolutely hand the keys for that over to someone just to have my buddy safely back snuggling in my arms.

On top of this it is definitely quite a crazy adventure into the world of German shepherds and breeding. Trying to time availability with my budget restrictions. Let alone having to learn all about this.

However I am determined to find an excellent reader as well as my future best friend.

Highly excited at having a much better chance then randomly selecting a dog from a rescue.

Let alone very much real possibility of health problems. Knowing the background of the parents and the breeding line means that any risk of that is extremely remote. So basically I don't have to worry about.

next up I definitely need to start eating better and she goes McDonald's and fast food is definitely not cutting it. I definitely need to start eating healthier and with this new puppy I'm definitely going to be way more active.

I got juice at about 9 to 10 months old and even still he had way too much puppy energy.

Well it's okay I am just going to have to enjoy major puppy dog behavior all over again.

Well the more that I put into this myself, hopefully others will be able to match this and our goal won't be that far away.

Definitely super excited about this coming to a close and having an amazing dog to snuggle again.

Definitely my biggest worried here coming up is wondering about this winter and if I'm going to have someone to snuggle with and keep warm. Yep that's my only issue right now.

That was definitely something I loved about Zeus. He absolutely adored snuggling when it was winter.

There were times when we would actually wrestle under the blankets because it was cold out and he really wanted to play but it was definitely too cold to play outside.

Everyday gets a little easier. Time definitely heals wounds.

Well definitely I need to get some more work on my escrima practice and see how that all evolves over the course of this next week.

Definitely really excited to see that certification happening and as well what is going to happen with us making a school here in the Portland area hopefully soon.

and I would really like to express my heartfelt thanks to everybody who is voted and also all those donors. I really need to put those donations into savings on Zeus's account.

Donor list, thank you.

420 weedcash from @davedickeyyall

100 hive from @thelogicaldude

100 hive from @flemingfarm

104 steem from @jonyoudyer

90 hive from @cowboyblazerfan

75 hive from @porters

34 hive from @knowhow92

23 and change from @enginewitty

10 hive from @chireerocks

All these people are adding on top of my own $1000 life savings.

Hopefully my motorcycle will sell.and add that to the pile.

Sold the bike. $2600 and my $1000 is $3700+ total.

Beyond gratful for everything.

Thanks from the bottom of both our hearts. I know even Zeus Flatsak would be smiling and happy that I'm getting healed and ready for this new blessing in my life.

You can also directly donate to
And that will definitely be something I can keep my eye on please remind me if you do so I can include you with the donor list.

Thank you everyone. Your votes comments shares and support have touched my heart. I appreciate it.

Hope is keeping me going and your prayers.

I'd also like to say thank you for all the amazing communities. And @skatehive is one of those. Hope you can check them out or delegate. They are an amazing community.


Time definitely heals wounds.

This is really the point. Life is a long stream of adversity but time has the wonderful ability to help let us push that shit aside and focus on the now. Good you are on track!

Native Americans say that this life is hard and that we must endure it. Which I wholeheartedly know however the positive definitely outweighs the negative. And positive definitely equals living. If you are negative you're not really living

The stoics say much the same. Life is meant to be lived and sometimes I think many of us forget that.

I have times where I have come to and looked back at the past months and realize I have done nothing but exist. But I have just now realized that I needed those times as a sort of reset for my head. Life comes at us like waves and sometimes it is nice to hang in the lull between waves.

Absolutely there have been some times where meditation and my thoughts were more important than career rat race and stress. Some people may call it lost time however it was finding myself time.

And honestly for your mental health it is extremely important.

One of my favorite sayings is, "If you can't help yourself how can you help others?" I take this to heart. We/humans need to focus on ourselves more as a whole. Making sure our own heads and lives are right. That means making sure our mental health is at least monitored if not in check. That's where I hope for your to get your next buddy.

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