
Thanks for the feedback @jaki01 , it is hard to source knowledge accumilated over years of studies, however if you like, you are welcome to read up on numerous case studies as well as documented tests easily found online, however if you struggle let me know and I will point you in the right direction.

Have a lovely day

Thanks, but I think the one who claims something should deliver the sources. At least in academic life that's common sense.
Of course it's on you to follow this convention or not.

Absolutely, and I will certainly keep that in mind for future posts.
It is just that natural living has been a study of passion for many years, and sources have varied dramatically, so it is hard to pinpoint it to one or a few selective locations.
I have personally used weed oil for pain relief, skin irritations, as a face care and as a burn treatment after reading numerous studies on it over the years, and in my personal experience and that of people that I have encountered that used it the results were very beneficial.
Please bare in mind that in my articles I merely share my personal journey, however, as I stated above, I will take your wisdom to heart and take better care to source information thoroughly in future posts.