
Humidity is wonderful. You don't need saunas to sweat out your toxins. You'd love it;)

Sounds wonderful.

Oh it is and I will not be satisfied until I am sure there is no sarcasm in those words;)

You know me well...There's was some sarcasm.

Just a bit.

Ok, maybe a little more than a bit.

Ok, maybe a fairly healthy dose.

Ok, bugger it, maybe a whole mess of sarcasm.

Ok, not maybe, definitely.

There, you happy now?

Oh I am healthily dosed with a whole mess of a bit of definite dissatisfaction now. Suggesting you don't like humid heat is sort of an insult to summer. It is something like tempting fate. It's like when you said something would never happen but you forgot to knock on wood. And you are in the throws of summer now, are you not? Yikes. A thunderstorm is going to hover above without quite breaking loose any rain, just stagnant heat, and then your AC is going out in your car tomorrow. Or maybe your office. Summer is coming for you, man.

Alright, I'm feeling less dissatisfied now ;)

It's funny you should say this; coincidental.

Only today...

  • It is indeed summer
  • A thunder storm hovered overhead (followed me around)
  • No precipitation ensued
  • The heat was indeed stagnant
  • The AC in my car failed (tomorrow)
  • And in the office (tomorrow)
  • Summer, indeed, sought me out and schooled me

So, I hope your happy, your foretelling seems to be accurate. Poor me.

Do you have to wear a suit to work? If so I suppose I do feel a bit sorry for you now - suits and summer are not compatible. I wonder if summer is satisfied yet. What if that storm cloud follows you around all week? Poor you.

There is a delicate balance here, Galen, and you've tipped the scale too far in the opposite direction now that I feel sorry for you, and I am dissatisfied again. Sigh.