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RE: Walking in Isolation - Coronapocolypse Edition

in #nature4 years ago

We had to quit our walks. The nearby regional park (which is for the most part isolated) is closed, and everywhere else has too many people.

I don't want to drive anywhere, it seems that if we each stick to our micro communities, it makes it easier to contain. Besides, I don't want my kids touching any of the rails, I don't want to sit on the public benches, I don't want to track crap in my shoes, and bring it to my car. I don't want to overuse hand sanitizer and cause different types of problems down the road.

I know its a little paranoid, but, when you are getting calls from your Dr. telling you to prepare to give birth without a "support partner" it sobers you up a little. (Currently when giving birth, we can have the husband, partner or parent present, but I was instructed to be prepared for that changing, and giving birth with just me and the hospital staff - San Diego County).

Thankfully, yoga is a perfect indoor activity, and two of my kids are small enough to still be able to run my hallway chasing each, each pretending to be the coronavirus (while wearing a crown of course) and catching the other one.