The genetically modified B-52 venus flytrap. (Taking a short break)

in #nature4 years ago

I have been talking about this in my recent post but a B-52 is a genetically modified venus flytrap with a bigger mouth and it's filled with red color. The color i think is the most important part of the trap. I spent 29.99$ on this plant and all I can say it is worth it. This is the most spectacular plant I have ever seen. Behold the wonderful B-52 4jdat7.jpg

Most of the traps are closed right now but they will open up within a day or two. I purchased it from predatory plants online. It came packaged well and had a lot of moss in it. More than it could hold so i have extra for the future. I put all my plants in a cool whip container because it fits well and I can easily put distilled water in it. I reccomend filling it half way up the pot. So you don't have to water it again for a day or two. e1ku9j.jpg

Tell me your thoughts on it and if you might get one. My venus flytraps from Walmart are almost ready to flower so I am still waiting for that to happen. I am also taking a short break from hive due to family matters I do not want to discuss. I know you all will understand. If any of you know any good tags I can use in my post i would love to know. I'm pretty sure there is a nature tag somewhere but I don't know.

Hivelist users who comment on here will receive a upvote from me. Just make sure to remind me and I will help out. Thanks for stopping by my friends and I hope you all enjoyed the new plant. I will start purchasing more in the future and probably make a plant series out of this.

Yours truly, teenagecrypto

Youtube: Rez night