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RE: NeedleWorkMonday - The Alternative Post

I haven't ever seen this in person, but as part of a conversation with @xeliram I looked at the box of the kit I do have, found the publisher, and went to their website where they have some of the kits they put out. I'd definitely like to get my hands on this second Star Wars one some day, the designs seem really nice (I haven't looked to see how hard or easy it would be fore me to get since I haven't wanted the temptation to spend the money). The safari one you saw seems pretty cool, too.


Oh wow! Thanks for the link! I see they do have Marvel characters!!

I understand about spending the money. Do you live near a craft store that offers store coupons? Honestly that’s the only way I’m able to get a lot of my supplies.

Yes the safari one is really cute. I’m thinking about getting that one eventually :)