List of HIVE traitors who still use that other chain to double post content.

in #neoxian2 years ago (edited)


This is beyond comprehension. Artists do not cross post same content from HIVE to Steem or vice verse. Steem is pennies and HIVE is supporting content 100x better with 100x better engagement. I find this to be 100% unacceptable. This post will be one in which I edit and add names to of people cross posting their art content from steem to HIVE and vice versa. I will also pin in our community at dynamichivers.

This makes curating 1000x harder than it should be. HIVE is about community, decentralization and supporting each other. To still use that other chain is one thing, which I will try to convince you not to do with support here but to share the same content to both chains is immoral and unacceptable.

We as a community did not fork away from that other chain just for you to try game HIVE and our rewards pool to double post content. Choose your side, HIVE or Justin. Pennies or DOLLARS. Decentralization or Centralization. If you choose centralization then stay there on steem or do not share the same content to HIVE. PERIOD.

This working list will be of traitors trying to game our rewards pool by cross posting content from steem to HIVE.

Want your name off this this list then show me you are no longer double posting content from or to HIVE from steem. I am about learning from mistakes and still using steem is a big mistake. Do not game our rewards pool.


This post makes no sense. Imagine telling me not to share/promote my work on Facebook because I am sharing/promoting it on Instagram. It is my creation; I have the right to share it anywhere.
This post is rubbish. Go and look for what to do.

Mind you I am an artist and not a trader. My work is to promote my works as much as I could to get clients that will patronize me. Once again, I have the right to share my works(not another person's nor yours) in different platforms I wish. Mind your business.

I am not going to reply you again. But I will leave you with this. "Next time you want to judge or criticize others, do that to yourself first)."

You have been around long enough to know to at least reference when you cross post do not play dumb

The hive rewards pool is our business is it not @hivewatchers? Seriously I am at a loss for words. What is your take @acidyo correct me if i am wrong in find these actions a direct attack on our rewards pool and hive

I'm having a hard time understanding why I was tagged here. I do however think it's frowned upon to post content both on Hive and Steem due to their history, it's not the same as posting content on Hive and some other centralized garbage as they can't compare.

Ok thanks for your clarification. I always was told not to cross post exact content from steem to hive with out reference

😂😂😂 he's removed this post from pinned post in his community to much truth in the comments and blockchain transactions don't lie people do

Like I said earlier, the boy is crazy.
He doesn't even know what it means for an action to have a direct attack on reward pool.
Maybe he was on high when he created that post. Why won't he go and stop other people cross posting on Blurt, BearShare and other centralized sites as well. There are a lot of them but he was only pointing the two of us - that is the effect of weed.

I agree 💯 we are free to share as we please everyone else does 👊🏾 it is funny how no one else got added to the last

Artists will capitalize however they can. Dont hate.

I will hate on cross posting to Hive from Steem without citation. Funny that you support that but ok.

What does decentralisation mean to you because this post doesn't make any sense think about for a minute what does freedom mean to you think about that for a minute to feel free to contact me anytime on Instagram @kgakakillerg so we can talk face to face I don't do this online bs

Why are you cross posting your content to steem with no support there? Are you here just to game our rewards pool? I am here on HIVE not to go and travel to instagram or steem sorry. that is not cool.

I can post where I want please answer my questions

Are you not aware of how Justin stole funds from witnesses here with the fork or why we even forked in the first place?

This has nothing to do with me and of course I do not agree with what he done who would

If you want to speak further please contact me on Instagram as I don't like to speak much on here as there is a lot of investigations going on so many people looking in 👀👀

Rightfully so.

I'm glad you understand I'm not your typical user that's all I'm going to say

Well just a suggestion but I think that if you made a commitment to HIVE and stopped using steem while making videos showing your process of your art creations to @threespeak perhaps you will find it worthwhile to stop using steem and stay on HIVE exclusively.

I'm committed to hive I've brought a lot of people here I've also invested here I don't use threespeak

I will not be sharing how I create my creations as when I shared some of my process previously people started trying to copy my work and I want my work to be one of a kind

One more thing please stop trying to tell me what to do as I'm not a child I have two kid's and I make my own decisions I believe in freedom do you ?

You made your stance perfectly clear. I am not going to go to instagram to discuss these matters. Just do you as will. I was going to promote you and your works today but alas you are a supporter of steem and cross posting content there. So i will move on.

Ok good to hear if you don't want to support my work fair enough I'm not a supporter no one but my family friends and loved ones I believe in freedom as I'm a freedom fighter always have been and I always will

I do a few bits behind the scenes on hive I'm not saying anything else I hope that you enjoy the rest of your holidays take care

Phew! This is rather serious, I'm all in hive though, I believe others should too

Right! This made my morning not good. The people using hive and steem are not even being supported on steem. I can understand having a consumer base that you need to stay in touch with to sell your works with but to cross post same posts with more support here and no value really left in steem is stupid.

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