Time To Finally Upgrade My Cell Phone....

in #neoxian3 years ago

Well I finally broke down and bought a new cell phone.

It's been a long time coming, and I typically know scratch that, always hate buying a new phone. Phones to me seem to be one of the most ridiculously expensive items that I am compelled to buy on a regular basis.

I've always been resistant to spending large sums of money on phones. For a long time I rock the prepaid phone market, using only the cheap TracFones and not even having data. I eventually grew up a tiny bit and managed to get a quasi smartphone or two with the Motorola g3, and that was the end of it. When that broke I upgraded all the way to a Samsung s6, this was in 2018. True when I bought the s6, it was already well out to date, a few releases behind, and refurbished. Why do I buy old phones that are refurbished, because I'm frugal, and would rather spend my money on something else. At least that is until now. My s6 was trouble from the get-go. Well it's always great when you first get a new phone, the s6 just didn't live up to my expectations. Being refurbished was probably the main cause of this and my own poor battery management. I am a chronic cell phone charger. I like to have my phone charged above 80% at all times. I always thought it was not very mature to have your phone get down to the 5 10 15% range, when you would never know if it would if you would need it and not have the charge. This likely caused me to destroy my own battery, create a crappy memory in it, and have my phone not be able to last more than 3 hours without being charged. The s6 also really started to struggle towards the end with running multiple occasions and having to be restarted multiple times a day just to perform day to day functions. The amount of anger and frustration that would build up inside of me as my phone refused to do simple tasks was unreasonable, and would always draw the eye of my wife.

Well Mrs. Senstless has a Samsung S8 that she's had for over a year now and likes it very much, I decided that it would be unwise to yet again by an old phone refurbished with probably another crappy battery. I decided for the first time in probably 6 years to buy a brand new spanking phone.

Options - Samsung S21

Initially I was enamored with the Samsung Galaxy S21. It looked like a great new phone, three cameras on the back, and everything that I'm used to with a Samsung Galaxy product. After reading reviews it seemed like it would be a great phone for me, and I'm sure it would have been. What really matters to me in a phone beyond the basics are pictures. All I know that taking a picture with your phone is not the same as taking a picture with a real camera, I have my phone on me all the time, 99% of my pictures are from my phone, so why not get the best that you can get that you'll always have with you.

Better Option Pixel 5


Enter the Google pixel 5. While reading several reviews and looking at pictures taken between the S21 and the Pixel 5 it became clear to me that the pixel took better pictures.

Well every review stated with certainty that the S21 had better hardware, they all still said Google dominated with actual pictures with the software and logic behind the cameras. To me, I'm not going to place hopes on Samsung releasing new apps or new updates to the camera to get better pictures, I want something that works the best I can get now. Well I'm sure several of you may disagree, and think the S21 takes better pictures. For me the pixel 5 takes really really nice pictures, and any limitation in the picture taking is the one holding the phone and not that of the phone.



Can't blame the phone anymore

There are also several other functions that I'm trying to leverage more with this pixel 5, especially when it comes HIVE and the discord servers. Any of you who have known me for any length of time know that my s6 and I did not agree when it came to typing. 3/4 of what came out of my phone was completely under gibberish, I have no idea how it would dissect my types into words that don't exist and capitalize strange things and insert a period everywhere.

Well I'm sure some of you think I'm a drunk rambling fool, I'm only the latter half of that, and I really still do blame my old phone. I'm writing this entire post the voice to text, it's not to say I couldn't have typed this out, and my typing is much better on this phone as I hope a few of you have noticed and discord. But to reach the goals I have set for my account and for my blogging this year, it dawned on me I needed to find a more efficient way. While I'm perfectly adequate at typing, it takes me much too long to get the thoughts that are in my head down on the keyboard in an order that I like. I'm much prefer just talking into my phone and having a type for me. It feels more natural maybe not to you, but to me I don't have any issues with it so far.

The pictures of the sunrise I took the other day were from my pixel, and I think they look pretty sharp, I actually plan on taking a lot more pictures this year and posting them of flowers, my garden, some shiny silver, and whatever else that I think is a picture worthy. I am really digging some of the features that the software from the pixel is giving me, animations, enhancements, overall I really love that it's integrated into Google photos.

His entire post was "written" while I sat in my truck for 10 minutes waiting to pick my kids up from school I'll go back home, load up some pictures of my new phone, picture of the sunrise from the other day, and double check the proofread and punctuation. All of that should take me less than 5 minutes and I'll be able to publish his post that's where if I wrote this on a keyboard will be distracted I'm sure it would have taken me over an hour.

Love the new phone!!



Currently I am using iPhone X but I think it’s time to get the new one, it’s super slow when I am trying to open every apps now

That's what did it for me, I got way too frustrated with nothing working I broke down and just ate to he cost. So far I am super happy, feel like I found a good phone, funny it's still smaller than the S8, but super close. Now I mix up the phones when they are next to each other.