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RE: Flowing White

in #neoxian3 years ago

I’m just starting to understand how hove works. Somehow I’ve had a steep learning curve with crypto. I do think the idea of a social media platform where the earnings go to the content makers rather than the platform makers is awesome and worthwhile. I wonder if there are ways to translate the earnings into real world engagements as well so it doesn’t result in completely justifying endless screen time and support further disembodiment. But, since we’re all spending so much dissociated time on screens, better to do it earning a dime as culture creators.

Also, realizing as I write this that, in a sense, this redistribution to the content makers creates a strange new economy where communism and capitalism meet. Maybe I’ll have to write my own first post about that. Sorry answer, yes, I see long term value.


Your response really got me thinking about some of the futuristic trapped in game-show stories, where people get rewarded based on the whims of their audience 🤔 What sort of dystopian future are we being the precursor to 👀? 😆

Shouldn't hurt to be in the economy while its still relatively new..
