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RE: Corona-Chan, Not-So-Memey-Monday

in #neoxian4 years ago (edited)

I am convinced you achieved your objective here. I had a nice billhook once, but no longer have the boat it came with. Sad.

While I completely agree with your characterization of leftists, lying enemedia, and slimy banksters, I fail to differentiate between them and Trump. How many ventilators did he get built in January and February? How many medications, like the two I can't get anymore, did he get produced here? How many more hospital beds did he add?

I don't blame one cat or the other in the snarling ball of fur keeping me awake at 2 am. I kick the ball. That's the way to solve the problem. Tim Pool first, right next to the lying, corrupt politicians he is covering for. Will he forgive our congress critters that started selling stocks after getting intelligence briefings on the pandemic, but didn't start securing medical supplies sourced in the US of A?

Everyone that seeks to control institutions ends up controlled by them, and the more control you get, the more you are controlled. The Iron Law of Bureaucracy doesn't only apply to commies. The entirety of government as far as I have seen, including bureaucrats in petty local councils I have known personally, are corrupt to the extent of their involvement. The deeper you go in, the deeper it gets in you, like a dirty girl with a slippery finger.

I hate to offend you needlessly, so I hope you abandon statism, and support for criminals deploying it.

I don't think it will matter sooner than we realize however. Troops are flooding into American cities now, Seattle, Sacramento, LA, I've seen images, video, or personal reports, from border to border. We'll do as we're told or won't need to be told anymore.

Censored with extreme prejudice, we'll be the only good Americans then.


I don't blame one cat or the other in the snarling ball of fur keeping me awake at 2 am. I kick the ball. That's the way to solve the problem.

ROFL, and agreed!

I don't hold Trump blameless in this, but I do think he isn't trying to make the situation worse. I do believe that of the Deep State and the democong.

And while I don't think he is serious about cleaning up that particular mess, I think that if he is, he won't do anything until his second term.

I don't think it's the case, but it would be the best way to do it.

We shall see