CONTEST -- Tell Us Your First Job

It's that time again! Play and enter to win half the SBD for this contest. Come on! It's fun!

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Contest No. 19 -- Tell Us Your First Job

Today’s easy contest is something that I think most everyone has had -- a first job.

Please share the first job where someone other than family paid you for your services. It doesn't have to be a job job, you know, where you had to be 16 or older.

It can be an odd job where you were paid under the table (that is, no taxes were taken out). But if your first job was a "real" job, that's okay too!

All you have to do to be eligible to win this one is leave a comment and tell us what your first job was. That and upvote this post.

Here’s my answer:


The Deadline

This contest will be open for 7 days. When this post pays out in 7 days, the contest closes.

The Prize

The winner will earn half (50%) of the SBD earned from this post!

As the "judge," I have the final say on who wins.

Rules To Play

Be sure to follow these two rules or your comment / entry won't count. Yes, there are only two! It's really simple!

  1. Hit Reply and tell us your first job.
  2. Upvote this post.

The more people who upvote, the more the payout will be. It's simple.

NOTE: Please don’t write anything along the lines of "upvote me!" or "follow me." If you do, you'll be disqualified. That contributes absolutely nothing and is just spammy, so don't do it. Please!

Winner Announcement

After 7 days when the contest ends, the winner will be either randomly chosen or I will choose a winner. I will announce the winner that day (or the next day in case I get busy or it's late in the day and I'm snoozing).

For this contest, I'll use an online random picker so everyone has the same odds of winning!

Spread the Word!

Let your Steemit friends and followers know about this contest so more can play! It's easy and hopefully will be fun.

And the more who play, the bigger the prize will be.

So, feel free to Resteem this post or link it to promotion groups. Thanks for playing!

Earn More SBD and Enter These Contests!

10 Truths, 1 Lie -- Can You Pick Which 1 Isn’t True?
Love It/Shove It Challenge -- My Turn
What Is Your Favorite Sport to Watch?
What Is Your Favorite Board Game to Play
Have You Filed Your Taxes Yet?
When Did You Join Steemit?
What’s Your Favorite Food?
Finish This Sentence... No. 1


My first Job was at 7Eleven store my uncle owned 2 days after i landed in USA and i worked as a cashier, mop, sweep and doing garbadge for the store
and I worked 75 hours a week 12 hours everyday and 15 hours saturday .
Worked really hard.

I work at a Wooden Art shop. Was a superb Experience. But some time later I got out of the job. :-(

That sounds like an interesting place to work. Thanks for playing!

My first job was a terrible one... I worked as 'a service worker' at an event.
I can remember I had to wash the dishes. I washed plenty plates to the post my hand started to heck.
I was a horrible experience because as I did the job, people there threw insulting and rude remarks at me.
Some shouted: 'Hey boy, wash quickly. Foolish boy'
As I washed I felt sadder....
At the end of the program, I was not paid until after 2 weeks.
Guess how much? N1000. 😁

I think many first jobs are not all that pleasant.

My first job was working at a coffee shop that was on a river and had lots of animals. Part of my job was caring for the animals and taking kids on pony rides on Shetland ponies, which I loved. The only thing that would have made it better, is if I didn't have to deal with the people.

Oh the dreaded dealing with people. I totally understand!

My first job was an office staff as a trading assistant.

That sounds like an interesting first job.

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My first 'real' job was at JC Penney working in Bedding and Bath Dept. It was interesting to say the least. I actually did a post on this recently. Hope you enjoy my trip down memory lane and get a good giggle out of it.

Cool, that sounds like a great first job.

It wasn't horrible...but oh the stories LOL

I shoveled horse shit at stable - they paid me by the barrel. One day two I brought a barrel that was half the size of my first barrel - they got a kick out of watching me spill it all over the place as I tried to push it too fast and lost control. - I was 13

Oh no. That sounds like a really shitty job. It's one that I've done too but never got paid for it!

edited because it's a accidental multiple comment

edited because it's a accidental multiple comment

My first job I was 14 and I'd just started getting heavily into local gigs and bands in my area. So, I started working at a music pub, putting on live gigs. I did this for 2 years until they closed down, then I went somewere else. I stopped 2 years ago to focus on film work.
I actually ended up nearly running the pub at one point. It was a big task for kid me, but I loved it and miss it!

That sounds like a cool first job and a lot of responsibility for a 14 year old!

What a great contest idea! Thank you. I'm sorry about the spam. My computer erroed and submitted it so many times

My first job was at Woolworths in the boys wear dept - I spent most days folding boys undies - Oh the joy!

Oh you lucky dog. haha!

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When I was 13 I started a business, cleaning up the ‘messes’ that dogs left in their owner’s yards. I was a little surprised by how many people were willing to pay someone to do that! I made decent money for a 13 year old.

Very cool! I can see why people wouldn't want to do that job themselves!

I worked as a colporteur at a young age, around 10 and 11. That is what I considered to be my first summer job. I can't remember though if I was able to sell books lol! We were paid daily though and it goes to our school fund as payment for school fees.

My first job was a cashier at an agrivet supply store, iam taking charge of eveything with only one helper. I work 12hours per day and no day offs.

That sounds like a demanding job with those long hours. I bet other jobs were easier then!

I think my first real job was as a teacher. And it will probably my last one too, because I can’t imagine doing something else :0)

Mi primer trabajo fue como recreadora en un club de playa, me tocaba el área de los niños, en mi primer (y único)día había una actividad con pinturas y me mancharon todo el uniforme, no regrese mas....

I worked at a Hollywood Video for some months after I was out of high school. It wasn't too bad because it was slow and there was often little to do at work once the hour or two of our duties was done so whoever was on staff with me was usually kind enough to pass the time with conversation or something else so it rarely felt like work at all.

Earning my first salary as a bell boy in a 4 starts hotel and learning how to communicate and interact with various people came from many places locally and internationally..have a nice day @peggyhazelwood

My first job was at Sutherland where I worked as a call center agent under AT&T Uverse billing and sales department. That was a fun experience and I miss the people that I used to work with. :( They were like family to me..