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RE: Reviving @newbieresteemday - You Can Help!

So good to hear from you, too! I' happy to hear you wanna give it a try and I definitely know how difficult it is to organize and maintain NRD. It did take a lot away from my personal writing but it is really gratifying and exciting to help new people find their voice and a path on Steemit. I miss the community very much.
Baby steps are definitely a must. I wish you all the luck in the world. Anytime I get a chance to log on I'll be sure to check the page and participate. I have been in a slump for a while .. creatively mostly because real life/family life is busy but great. Probably another reason I have been a ghost on here.. I do wanna get connected again though. I really love helping people and with NRD and my personal writing I felt like I was making a difference in my own small way. Anyways I'm rambling.. I did send over like 30 SP i think? or SBD I don't remember lol over to the NRD page. I figured you'd put it to good use <3


Thanks, @amariespeaks

Life has gotten a bit in the way at the moment. I'm so far behind on replying that I don't even get a chance to resteem with NRD.
Trying to catch up as fast as I can 😉