
Very cool article... and since you ask, I'll give you another reason:

  • 90% of all of the World Press is owned by only 6 Multinational Corporations.

In these days and times, I'd rather watch Gordon Ramsay piss all over a restaurant owner (or a theater actor?) than to watch the news.

Thanks for sharing, @chekohler!

You make a good point, there's a vested interest in contorlling what information gets out and what information stays hidden.

I'm not a fan of so called reality TV at all but will openly admit Gordon Ramsay is one of my vices. He tears people to pieces, something about it I find highly entertaining

I heard the guy went vegan. I don't know if it's true or not. Might have been Fake News. 😅

I feel boring about news in my country. Before I want to know everyday a news paper since I am away from my country. There was no you tube or social media before but I loved news. Now that have access, I felt like boring for some reason, bullshit fake news or politics are on outrageous situation. Now I enjoy my steemit life, earned Steem while learning. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

Posted using Partiko Android

Before the internet perhaps news did have a little extra shred of credibility but its also because we had very little choice, it was just TV, Radio and newspapers.

Now that we're not being spoon fed information its up to the individual to find reliable news sources. I too enjoy finding independent news sources and information from well researched individuals not ones with the most followers.


You don't need to follow politics to understand the world.

I stopped following the news after the Las Vegas shootings. I also use Snapchat and other social media less too.

Ever since then my life has been very positive and peaceful.

I feel that info overload had a negative effect on me.

My first job believe it or not was reading news articles, finding keywords in them and then matching it to products on an eCommerce site so you would find recommended products when you read news articles. Going through that process really made me depressed reading all that terrible news but its what gets views, people want to be shocked, they want to see the grotesque side of human nature.

The few human interest positive pieces are often manufactured and doctored to be heartfelt

Hello my friend @chekohler. It's terrible how you've been through this. I think you should go to the forest more often, walk and breathe fresh air. I personally don't use the TV for a long time and news on the Internet don't read. If there is any very significant news, people will tell it themselves, there will be a big noise around and I will find out.
By the way can you tell me how to get upvote from Busy? I'm use and use tag busy but I don't get upvote from Busy...

Aww thanks you're sweet. Yes it was pretty soul crushing and I do agree time outside in nature with fresh air does wonders. I also try not to deal with main stream media and get my news from other sources or friends like you suggest

Regarding the busy upvote you need to have more followers on your blog. All your followers combined need to have at least 10,000 Steem Power for you to get a busy upvote. The more followers you get the stronger the upvote from busy.

I would suggest you try and comment more on peoples blogs, meet some people on discord and share your posts to get more followers.

Thank you my friend for the advice, now I understand. )))

Hi my friend, I have another question. And how can you see how much power all my subscribers have? Maybe there is some service to see?

You can use this link - and replace it with your own username and it should give you your follower vests.

As you can see from mine I have 4 025 467 887, 4 Billion Vests. You can also read about it in @fullcoverbetting post here


Thanks my friend. You've helped me a lot, you're a very good person.

Well I'm 3,3333 beers in and ready to admit I love the bullshit. As you said so astutely, there can only be half truths in a realm that runs on duality. Yin Yang folk weez ain't awoken just well spoken and tokin earning token.

Posted using Partiko Android

I like that line

awoken just well spoken and tokin earning token.

You sure you didn't give up on your rap career too early?

I'm not sure of anything 😂

Posted using Partiko Android

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