dTube: Trump Using Personal Phone to Call People Without John Kelly Knowing

in #news6 years ago

Trump Using Personal Phone to Call People Without John Kelly Knowing

Donald Trump is increasingly using his personal cell phone to contact advisers without Chief of Staff John Kelly being aware of it, according to multiple sources, pointing to a new rift within the Oval Office

Good idea? Bad idea?

▶️ DTube

I wonder if Trump really has that much info that a foreign power would care about at all.. not trying to go all "shadow state", I just feel like it's probably pretty compartmentalized and the President maybe has little to no specific info that's useful, at least relative to like high ranking military personnel or things like that.

President is more managing everything and making political judgments, and then will be sternly stopped or warned or whatever when he's about to do something that an adviser knows is wrong.

I don't know. I just generally doubt that the President is really the source of power and intel. My first thought here is it's probably petty and just bickering with Kelly or WH staff or whatever, or maybe in some cases it would actually be annoying to go to an office and sit down when he could call someone on the fly.

The "projection" allegation is interesting, but you can say the same for Hillary and pretty much everyone in politics. They're basically always projecting whenever they criticize. "He doesn't have the right temperament" is a good one, where then a CNN reporter discovers that she became hostile and violent when she learned that she lost.

In fairness to Trump, tho, I think the Hilary concerns had more to do with specific wrongdoings she was covering up more than just that she used her own line of communication? Like I don't think Trump made the big stink based on the principle of using her own server, but because allegedly she did XYZ thing. (I could be wrong.)

Can you contact him on this number?

This nut is about one step away from pouring bleach on his servers.

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