Hilarious Irony As Former Wal-Mart US CEO Complains Amazon "Puts Retailers Out Of Business With Low Prices"

in #news6 years ago

Wal Mart 1.jpeg

*I feel like...I've heard of that strategy from somewhere...

Wal-Mart is making headlines again in the ever-present struggle between the "small, mom & pop retailer" and the "monopolistic, price-slashing juggernaut." Only this time, Wal-Mart is playing the part of "Mom" (or Pop.)

This has got to be a square on my "Apocalypse Bingo" card.

Thrust back into the popular conversation thanks to recent Tweets by our Twitterer-In-Chief, Wal-Mart is showing they, too, can adapt to a changing culture wherein the prevailing strategy is to find a way to claim a grievance of some kind and ride it all the way to the victim Olympics.

Wal Mart 2.png

He doesn't appear to be a fan.

I can't argue with his main point, to be honest. If the Post Office loses money serving Amazon, they should charge more. They should probably be charging more across the board, anyway.

However, never one to let a crisis go to waste, former CEO of Wal-Mart US Bill Simon took the opportunity to pile on when he appeared on CNBC recently, with objections to Amazon's business plan including "They're not making money in retail, and they're putting retailers out of business..." Oddly enough, one's competitors operating at a loss (in a fundamentally unsustainable business strategy) is not one of the corporate world's more frequent complaints.

Bill went on to lament the practice of undercutting competitors as "anti-competitive, predatory, and destroying value." He may be right on that final item, but it's the shareholder's (of Amazon) value to destroy, I suppose.

Bill better be careful what he wishes for, because if profit is suddenly a requirement for corporate value, Tesla is going to have some 'splaining to do. After all, profit is the only reason we let the Leviathan he once helmed operate at all.

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And we certainly pay a price that I doubt is a worthy trade.

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Sources: Google, CNBC, ZH, Twitter
Copyright: SmartSteem, PALNet, SPL, Star Wars, Wal-Mart, Brand-channel.com


Thanks for the great post. The irony here truly made me laugh. When a super Walmart opened up in my hometown, they added more groceries to the original Walmart in order to put the neighboring grocery store out of business. They successfully put that grocery store out of business, and the one that moved in after them. Then Walmart acquired their lot and built our towns second super Walmart. So I can truly appreciate the irony here. Thank you for sharing this with us.

well amazon certainly an efficient and cheap service to the customer and the system don't care about monopoly, that's how the system works "survival of the fittest" unless if we don't like the how it played, then it's time to turn the table upside -down .

Well, Amazon has the Washington Post, but Walmart has these:

Amazon has the Washington Post has the CIA. I think spooks have significantly more power than few lobbyists, especially since the CIA has endless black budgets and aren't accountable.

In every business there's we called competition. Walmart should play the game fairly, if they cant compete the prices then they will resort to a new business strategy to cutoff the big difference in price bet amazon & walmart. Bullying tactic is not the best choice.

Have you still not figured out this isn't working for you?

You're a fucking pariah, 1 repper.

I think Amazon will be the first huge megacorp to create their own cryptocurrency. They are already half way there with Twitch bits. We are entering the age where corporations have way more power than governments.

I think it's hilarious that Walmart has anything to say about business ethics. They're just jealous they're an inferior company.

classic!!! so true.. it boggles the mind to think wall mart would vocalize this...

They Walmart used to be masters at this game until the arrival of Amazon.Walmart should not complain because just like they put many small shops out of business they are getting a dose of their own bitter medicine from Amazon



Next up: government to complain about interest rates; inflation from excessive money printing.

This is hilarious and I'm being sincere! on the other hand walmart is moving to an aggressive online platform...

I would like nothing more but to see these stores fail, i swear.

Well we as consumers should be happy for having low prices aren't we?

If those big companies want to destroy each other's by offering the consumer more for less, then so be it, better for us.

As long as you aren't under the sign when the rollback happens!

projection much?
IMO the Post office should be terminated...it's no longer needed.

What, you don't like your tax dollars going to competing randomly in industries with no legitimate, 21st-century public need?

Epic😂 but nice information.....thanks for sharing this😘😘😘

hi upvoted please can you do the same thanks

Nice information, in europe we dont here themes likes this in the mainstream media :) Can we expect more of it in the future?

You should move Wal-mart and Target to the Europe! :D

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and when it comes to Walmart dealing with amazon... let's just say Walmart gets what Walmart deserves XD

(by the way, we've had to deal with similar tactics for years in Canada, courtesy of our national oligopolies pretending to be "local" businesses threatened by those evil foreigners... but a lot of people call bullsh*t whenever they do it ;P)

Get rid of the post office. Then we wouldn't be loosing millions. Get rid of government subsidies and see which companies stay in business. Problems solved.

Great content.

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I try to support smaller, local businesses. I have not shopped at Wal Mart for a decade.

There are some things about wal-mart that I don't like, but most other retailers do anyways. But what separates wal-mart from amazon in terms of evil, is that the government is subsidizing Amazon.
Amazon isn't by far the best etailer/retailer, but they are one of the more convenient ones. They are quite expensive when it comes to food items, and their management of whole foods demonstrates they don't quite grasp the grocery market.
About the best wal-mart can do for smaller purchases is ship them to local stores for pick ups. The Wal-mart stores isn't quite that good for vegetarians, and they are often slighting us by cutting back what they inventory in terms of refrigerated items. No more Quorn products, no vegetable eggrolls, all their American cheeses have animal rennet in it. Basically have to shop elsewhere.

on second thought. Wal-mart is the greater of the two evils. Amazon doesn't have a pharmacy...yet. But if/when they do, you can bet they will carry every evil the democrats want them too.

Lol it's called self preservation. They only now see the need for ethics because it's affecting them quite badly

Great post

I didn't know Walmart will play this low...

All the more reason to support ETHICAL, crypto-friendly CEOs and businessses like Overstock. Patrick Byrne is a HELL of great guy, and has been making SERIOUS efforts to increase ethics (via blockchain tech). He is a man to be commended in my opinion. We interviewed him on the Bitcoins & Gravy podcast. Feel free to have a listen, and be WOWéd...

(by the way, I did the captioning for this podcast - just hit "CC" on the video player) ;->

Wow Walmart has a lot of nerve to complain about this. And the nerve to call themselves a "mom and pop" place. That's ridiculous.

thanks for very informative news for share. i give you upvote

Congratulations! I like the post very much hope you can post beautiful ly, please, please, please give an upvote @iamhja

wow so beautiful amazing so beautiful heart touching

The problem is, Amazon and probably Walmart get government help so they can have extremely low prices.

Congratulations @lexiconical!
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It's a tycoon's war and taxpayer will allways be in between...
Look back in the early 20th century ; steel owner against railways owner, gas, coal...

Walmart did a lot to destroy the small town main street trade and kill off small family owned businesses. Then they employed workers at such a crap pay rate many are on welfare. No sympathy for them, hope they go away.

Don't ya just love crony capitalism.

It's gonna collapse in on itself soon...

Great post. I was officially finished with Crymart after the holiday season. Two things that were ordered and promised delivered before Christmas were a no show. They don't stand behind their consumers and go to bat for them. Its been 100 days and counting without results.

Your headline just made me spit out my coffee, well done sir. Love how life and the Onion are the same...

That’s funny as love seeing the green eyed monster come out in grown men. great post