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RE: Stop Checking the News

in #news6 months ago

I often joke that there could be a zombie apocalypse taking place around the world right now and I'd have no idea. I stopped paying attention to the news years ago and never looked back. The moment I stopped using social media also helped. I have zero interest in politics or the negative events taking place at any given time.

It feels so much nicer to be a bit ignorant, to feel like that time could go towards either making yourself feel better or spreading some positivity somehow, even if it's just with a creative hobby you have and can share with others.

The news thrives on outrage, and the moment you realise that, even if they say nice words you like sometimes, they're manipulating your emotions to keep you checking in.


The news thrives on outrage

True 100%, that is the state of journalism. News is not reported anymore. News is created in studio and at times more toxic than the TV soaps.
I am not sure that ignoring News media is not a good solution. But I get it nobody has the time or energy to get in and investigate for themselves

In the recent Chennai flood, I was continuously following News updates and to a point it did help me plan my escape.

You get it but 'doing it' is next level ;<)

Just gotta fill your time with something else and then the need to check it disappears, especially once you notice how much better you feel mentally. Go look at those cows and sheep, take a notebook with you and write/draw in the fields. A few hours will pass without the news being present, and you won't miss it one bit. ;^)

Go look at those cows and sheep, take a notebook with you and write/draw in the fields.

'Note' taken.

Oh and remind me to get myself an old Nokia ( for texting and calling only ) to possibly have on me once I go out.

Cheers buddy!

P.S. I usually have a notebook on me but also almost always that freaking smartphone haha!

I've been forgetting to take my sketchbook with me lately. Need to get the habit of taking those things with me wherever I go. It absolutely helps for those times where you might feel like you need to check the phone. Instead you pull out the sketchbook and look around you. Really relaxing with a coffee. :^)

Oh and about those phones: a lot of people have old styled phones here in Armenia. It was interesting to me at first, but it seems they're sold new. So old-but-new styled phones. No touchscreen, no apps, no browser. Just a small phone as it used to be.

I went out without my phone this afternoon, ended up in a bar and then outside some more. No phone on me.

It also reminded me of the good old days of going out on long walks with my Canon 7D DSLR on me and perhaps a MP3 player, instead of just carrying this machine called 'smart'phone that we use for everything. It's still possible ;^)

ended up in a bar and then outside some more. No phone on me.

Would be nice to see a post on those events!

It also reminded me of the good old days of going out on long walks with my Canon 7D DSLR on me and perhaps a MP3 player, instead of just carrying this machine called 'smart'phone that we use for everything.

For a while now when I'm outside I really ignore my phone, I don't even listen to music with it. I just much prefer to look around and hear all the sounds. It makes me feel much more present, in the moment. Actually living and moving. It feels much more liberating, like you said in the good old days with that simplicity. The weird side to it though is realising you're the only one not glued to a screen at all times.