1984 was supposed to be a warning... not an instruction manual...

in #news6 years ago


#TommyRobinson was, in a matter of just hours start - to - finish:

Arrested at the scene arbitrarily
Charged without an indictment
Convicted without a jury
Sentenced without a trial

And the reporting on this is being censored from public viewing.

Right down the memory hole.




Stefan Molyneux's video on topic


Crazy, I’ve just heard about this. Great video there, very informative, real and well, as a uk citizen kind of sad... crazy times. The uk is going downhill fast

Thanks for sharing this. I wrote articles about Tommy, too. I am Tommy. You are Tommy. http://TommyRobinson.Online #FreeTommy #SaveTommy

I'll have to give you some follows.

Unfortunately, I have to refute your post from what I know:

  • Wells, Huxley and Orwell were all insiders. I don't think they were warning us so much as distracting/prepping us.
    -Robinson had an earlier suspended sentence. From what I heard, he was not using discretion, someone who in his position, needed to exercise to the utmost. He had already gone through a trial and was under a suspended sentence. Under that sentence, he was not allowed to do at least the journalism he was engaging in. Therefore, he need not have been convicted by a jury as it was a procedural matter.

All that being said, I do not wish him any harm in prison.

There's an inherent problem with that: it sounds even more like a dystopic police state.

An unlawful court order was issued upon Tommy - barring him from reporting on criminal acts by a particular group. Various excuses as to why this shouldn't be permitted were made such as the claim that it would create targeted hatred or incite hatred. Excuses aside it still boils down to "You're not permitted, as a reporter, to report on things that we don't want you to." This edict was only made legal by the creation of unlawful laws.

Tommy violated that court order, was charged, tried, convicted and sentenced to jail.

Tommy was later released early on suspended sentence.

When he then went back to reporting on the details of criminal acts, he was picked up by police who charged him with "breaching the peace." He was not charged by a grand jury, not tried or sentenced for this crime: simply by edict of a judge, without having been found guilty of a criminal act WHILE on suspended sentence, but by edict alone: had his suspended sentence redacted.

Edicts were handed out by a court which were artificially made legal by the creation of fundamentally unlawful laws which were not voted on and established by the elected legislative bodies: but by un-elected bureaucrats.

Those edicts were used to attempt to blackmail a private citizen, barring him from informing the public as to the truth of criminal acts. When he refused to be comply with that act of extortion: he was arrested, tried, convicted and sentenced to jail, but later released as a further show of force and warning/threat. When Tommy again refused to comply with being blackmailed by the state and once again began reporting on the truth of criminal acts: the state made good on it's threats and has now incarcerated him.

-He was not indicted for a crime while on suspended sentence,
-He was not tried for a crime while on suspended sentence,
-He was not convicted of a crime while on suspended sentence,

That a suspended sentence can simply be redacted, without the aforementioned legal processes involved: at the arbitrary will of the state when they wish to inflict punishment on someone for failure to comply with their extortion scheme - is despicable at best and despotic at worst.

Man, you seem smart, I should maybe read everything you have to say.

You threw these out:

-He was not indicted for a crime while on suspended sentence,
-He was not tried for a crime while on suspended sentence,
-He was not convicted of a crime while on suspended sentence,

I can tell you in the U.S. when you plead out, at least in some programs you are already adjudicated.

So, I assume that's what it was. There was a suspended three-month sentence. So, everybody saw him at the Court House and his video the night before. He was picked up at the Court House, right?

Half of what Lauren Southern and Tommy were doing recently was propaganda.

Maybe this is 4-D Chess with that Scottish Troll kid, idk.

The way I think it went down is that - Bamm! Tommy gets caught at the Court, dead to rights. Then - Bamm! His sentence was activated plus Bamm! He got hit with contempt of court. They will give you that right away and usually shorten it.

Lying Propagandists are dumb, and waste all of our time.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe my assessment is sound and at least on the target board.

And call whatever happened what you want. At this point, I don't think he's going to die, I'm not donating and honestly if the plan of his wasn't bigger than "go to the courthouse," the guy isn't worth all of our time and energy, not the way I see it now.