Subspace Communication Has Arrived Via Quantum Entanglement

in #news3 years ago

News came out last week that NASA scientists have achieved quantum teleportation over a 27 mile distance. The implications of this are pretty stunning. Amongst many breakthrough this could usher in, subspace communication is something that came to mind.

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Growing up on Star Trek in the 80's and 90's, subspace communication was always something that interested me because it was kinda vague. Faster than light travel has been theoretically possible by the Alcubierre Drive ( since the early 90's, but I haven't been able to understand a way to do subspace communication until now with this breakthrough.

By having one cubit receiver on earth and one on a space craft or another planet communication could be instantaneous. Even recent movies set a few years to a few decades in the future haven't imagined this. The implications of this tech are mind blowing. I'm sure there are many use cases we can't even imagine yet. It will be exciting and terrifying to see how this tech plays out of the next few decades.

Anyway, here is a link to one of many articles regarding this amazing breakthrough.


whaaat? whaaaaaaaaat? Wait....whaaaaaaaaaaat?

Ya, pretty much. The implications are just that. I am only capable of thinking about one thing this will affect, but there are so many things we probably can't comprehend now that this will affect.

I’m not even thinking about the implications, I’m just like whaaaaaaa? Is this real?