Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Opening Statement

in #news2 years ago


Dr. Fuellmich has thoroughly investigated the allegations of crimes against humanity during the claimed Covid pandemic, and presents his opening remarks to a Grand Jury in what he has termed Nuremberg 2.0.

For this short video and much more relevant news, follow the link above, or go to earthnewspaper.com, endorsed by Dr. Vernon Coleman in his own recent video regarding the claimed covid crimes.

For my part, I do not make videos (more's the pity), but do recommend you understand these issues and take appropriate actions to secure your life and property against the very real and dire threats they present. Given the nature of the enemy and their dependence on centralized industry and institutions for their power and the ability to project force to subjugate you, I recommend you undertake to possess and emply such decentralized means of production suitable to your personal circumstances. Ensure you have food, physical security from armed thugs, the ability to provide the goods and services that comprise the blessings of civilization, and do everything in your power to be in a community of people of similarly independent means.

So prepared, neither famine, war, nor other means of subjugation may easily be visited on you, and your own ability to provide your needs will merit you their sufficiency. You alone are responsible for your fate, and you live in a hostile world in which innumerable threats seek your valuable wealth, flesh, and your very life itself. Keep you if you can, as well as you can.


Please provide written transcript in the comments.


Dr. Fuellmich has thoroughly investigated the allegations of crimes against humanity during the claimed Covid pandemic, and presents his opening remarks to a Grand Jury in what he has termed Nuremberg 2.0.

Dear @valued-customer , It is very shocking news! I believe in your claims. However, I cannot spread the information you gave me to the world I live in. It is a sad reality!

I seen another video last night, I think part 6. I am not understanding why they have model proceeding tagged at the right hand bottom corner of these videos. I also don't understand why there's no formalities such as statements saying "in the court of" "filed on" "court document number" etc.

No court in the world will prosecute this case. The prosecution for these crimes will be conducted by the survivors, not the criminals. The investigation and information is to avail our posterity to avenge us.

I guess it was another case filed in the UK that is under consideration of investigation by the International Court.

Yes, community and forming tight, solid networks with fellow truthers is utterly important this year.

We cannot go alone anymore.

The Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars has already been perfected, we are coming up to the apex of their plans. It's either now or never to make a last stand. I wouldn't put too much faith in Fullmich, or anyone who has swore their allegiance to the BAR Association.

There is no remedy in the legal world, as the ones who perpertrated this agenda21 are the exact ones who created the legal system, and are the ones who handpicked their high official agents to be gatekeepers.

We must get out of the legal world, give up all ties with their state own copyright SURNAME.

I'd like to share two videos of mine with you, please have a gander when you have time:


I'm glad to have found your page/channel. Stay safe.

I find the investigation Fuellmich has conducted to be open and to provide voluminous information that is not as easily available elsewhere. That, rather than some expectation that legal action will provide remedies, is the point IMHO.
