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RE: Stop Checking the News

in #news6 months ago

My least favorite intro to a conversation goes 'I heard on the news today...' fill in the rest lol

Same here.

I guess people are attracted to 'drama' ( be it reality shows, the news, zombie apocalypse series, gossiping or whatever ) whether we are aware of it or not. It seems to temporarily make us feel better about ourselves but does it really benefit us in the long term?

Lots of folks self medicate by watching the news, only to end up with psychosis.

That too. We tend to numb ourselves to not feel our pain and never learnt how to actually feel, it's the stuff that isn't taught in school or even by our own parents.

My father had a psychosis ( once or twice ) and was on anti-depressants for decades. I seem to have inherited his 'thinking' and 'feeling' and am doing the daily work to not end up like him and get sicker and sicker over time. Nature and writing/ expressing myself are too important ways of doing so.

Sending love!


Keep up that daily work, stay in the present and keep writing! We are not our mothers and fathers.


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We are not our mothers and fathers.

You are right about that.

Thank you!