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RE: Think Big or Don't Think At All: World Domination Stems From Lessons In History

in #newsteem5 years ago

I appreciate the whole business model that Steemit created. It was a nice idea, in theory. However, I think a lot of people on STEEM get tunnel vision when looking at the current forward face of the platform.

Steem isn't social media.
Steem isn't a place for content creators to get paid.
It's just a string of archaic block information.

I think we'll really start going places when people stop looking at what Steem is today. A lot of people around here have tunnel vision.

Steem is a LEGO set.

We've got some pretty powerful building blocks here that are going completely unutilized. For example, how many dapps are using the memo key?

Do you realize how much work it would take to incorporate encrypted chatrooms directly on chain using custom JSON? It would be SO EASY... I can't believe it hasn't happened yet. No more centralized agents having full access to all our data and profiting off it. Everything encrypted. Suck it, corporations.

No one wants to make shit like this because there is no money in it. That is the crux of Steem; we need a stronger open source community.

Once we have enough altruistic developers that have stake, they'll all try to outdo one another, and everyone wins.


There is money in it. I've been here three years though and not many see the value of an attention economy, so instead of building that chat, they build things that contribute to people being paid to not even be here. Horrendous waste of resources, but they don't care, because a few thousand worth of a token constantly dropping in value is more important to them than being billionaires, and it drives me crazy. So what would help is if more business savvy folks came along to show these kids how to do something right. Don't do it for the money today, do it for the money down the road once the seeds are planted and start growing. The generation of entitlement doesn't understand that. They think apples grow on grocery store shelves.