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RE: Think Big or Don't Think At All: World Domination Stems From Lessons In History

in #newsteem5 years ago

Well said! I'm old enough to remember the arrival of .mp3 files and the demise of Napster, but what I love about this place is you can experiment and try things you could never do anywhere else..., that is and get something back... whether it be crap or otherwise.

Before March 2018 I had never wrote a thing, and here I am writing stories of my life, and now fiction. It's not elegant or professional but I enjoy doing it.

If only more would do the same and stop trying to make a quick buck. The place still has potential in my eyes even though StInc are trying to suppress the blogging part of it.


Maybe they like to suppress the blogging part because they don't realize the creatives can reinvent it and turn it into something people want to see. They think it can only be one way, the old way, and since that doesn't work in their eyes, they can't see the picture bigger, or even know what people like us are capable of.