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RE: NiceHash Service Unavailable - Security Breach - NiceHash Bitcoin Wallet Empty

in #nicehash7 years ago

I've been half-expecting this, ever since I wrote Why I no longer recommend Nicehash for CPU mining. Guess they couldn't keep up the flow in the face of rising bitcoin prices. I was hoping to squeak across the finish line once more before they closed up shop, but it looks like I'm out about $127 at today's prices.

This is especially concerning:

While the full scope of what happened is not yet known, we recommend, as a precaution, that you change your online passwords.

Almost as if their mining client was infected with malware.


Interesting we have about the same amount in limbo :)

Yes, but we don't know enough - yet.

Well, I was partial to NiceHash because they are my compatriots. Now I am switching to MinerGate...