Other Niche Communities Curation Report #1550

in #niche3 months ago
Authored by @macchiata

OCD's support is expanding!

Hello everyone! This is the 1550th compilation post of OCD's latest curation efforts. It has been known that OCD has been supporting leading niche communities under its Community Incubation Program. However, there are still a lot of other niche communities not supported by OCD. This curation initiative will help in supporting those communities.

This newest curation effort aims to encourage authors to post in appropriate communities even if those communities are not under the incubation program. This will also encourage users to explore more into the different communities in Hive.

How this Works

OCD curators and community leaders will find posts from other niche communities and recommend them for an upvote. Unlike those communities in the incubation program where curation is focused, this curation initiative is spread out. This will help find undervalued posts from smaller communities that deserve support.

This will highlight both the author and the community where the post is located. This way, smaller niche communities can focus on growing their subscribers and increasing the engagements within their respective communities. A small boost goes a long way.

Speaking of boost, here are the curated posts for this batch:

Curated Posts

Author: @cherryng
Community: C/Plant Power (Vegan)


What do you like to eat during raining day? Today has wet and cool weather, I feel to eat a hot noodles soup to warm my stomach.

This morning I went to nearby wet market to source some fresh vegetables and mushrooms. I saw the Wonton Noodles was new imported from Malaysia, I wanted to try it. So I bought few packs home.

Curator: @anggreklestari

Author: @eduardog23
Community: C/Foodies Bee Hive

(ESP/ENG) I teach you how to prepare a delicious pumpkin pie Practical and easy.

Happy afternoon to all those people of Hive and especially to the community of @foodiesbeehive, lovers of food and the taste of gourmet food, today I bring you a delicious pumpkin cake that my family likes so much and especially my children, this recipe was taught to me by my mother and her mother, is a family chain, is a delight in dessert and I give them to my son as a snack, I hope you like my recipe.

Curator: @anggreklestari

Author: @deeanndmathews
Community: C/Q Inspired-by-Music

On Fresh Grass, Persistent Autumn Leaves, and Climbing to the Verge of Spring (with a Podcast Surprise Introducing a New Basso Profundo Near the End)!

Because I live where winter barely passes for winter in the rest of the Northern Hemisphere, I had to really think about "Erstes Grün" ... as close as I can get is when we get a run of heavy rain in some years and there are no days to go out and walk pleasantly, or, later in the summer or early fall, days when smoke chokes the city. The grass, if it dies here, will die of drought in the summer -- the first new grass will come up with the first rain in the fall!

Curator: @mipiano

Author: @dulce.crucita
Community: C/Family & Friends

El domingo fue mi cumpleaños [ESP-ENG]

After eating we returned home and our neighbor friends were waiting for us to sing birthdays. I had made a cake in the morning, a queso cake, one of those called impossible cakes, and although it turned out very pretty and also very tasty, it didn't turn out exactly as it should. It's time to repeat the recipe and perfect the technique.

Curator: @lauramica

Author: @ninaeatshere
Community: C/Hive Food

Desayuno portugués y Bifanas 📍Porto [Esp][Eng]

Bifanas were the selection of sandwiches we wanted to try because it was the most popular sandwich in the area, a must. The preparation is quite simple, it consists of artisan bread stuffed with thin slices of pork previously marinated and grilled.

Curator: @lauramica

Author: @marielarc07
Community: C/Holos&Lotus

Senderos de Bienestar - Una caminata con amigas que nos motiva a ir más allá. A walk with friends that motivates us to go further. (ESP/ENG)

We arrived at Sabas Nieves and then walked to Quebrada Quintero, where we stayed for a while sharing food and enjoying the crystal clear water that wrapped our feet.

The conversation was very good, we brought to the present our experiences as hikers in different parts of Venezuela. Anecdotes, learnings and above all the enjoyment and the desire to have those experiences again.

Curator: @lauramica

Author: @mairene1
Community: C/Throwback Thursday

Beautiful memories of my second birthday party (ESP/ENG)

This photo is a bit faded but it's still possible to understand the context, it's a costume party, as my birthday is in February and sometimes coincides with carnival dates. I am dressed up as a rag doll as my mum thought it was a rather appropriate costume for a little girl (I am the girl with the pink dress and the flowers on my head), the man holding me is my dad and the woman on my right is my mum.

Curator: @mipiano

Author: @reyggv
Community: C/Hive Collectors


Hello friends of HIVE, I hope you are well. I send you a big greeting, especially to the Hive Collector community which I have enjoyed a lot for what is posted here; I have seen many really impressive posts. It is true that it has been quite a few days since my last post and I have had some personal problems; sometimes these come one after the other and it gets really complicated to handle them.

However, I'm back now and I'm very happy about it. In this article I will continue showing you my collection of soccer albums, this time it is the album of the World Cup held in France in 1998.

Days ago I made a publication corresponding to the Italy 90 album and I would have liked to present you the album of the USA 1994 World Cup, which I had but it was lost many years ago in strange circumstances; it was really unfortunate.

Curator: @mipiano

Author: @elbuhito
Community: C/Hive Collectors

My collection of owl ornaments!

Greetings everyone, it is a pleasure for me to post for the first time in this community sharing with all of you my owl ornaments. As many of you may know, I love these animals, so today I want to share with you this beautiful collection of owls that I gathered over the years.

Curator: @eugelys

Author: @alesquisa18
Community: C/Lifestyle

Un día siendo modelo de un curso💗✨ // A day being a model for a course💗✨

Now the day had finally arrived, I woke up super early because of the excitement and because I had to get to the place early. After a while of taking care of my things, I was able to get to the place on time. The space or business of the girl where the course would be held was super beautiful, all very pink and glamorous. I felt like I was in my ideal place!🥰.

Curator: @millycf1976

This concludes this batch's curation report. We would like to congratulate those who are featured and supported. Keep up the good work and continue to explore Hive Communities.

OCD Has a Hive Witness ... @OCD-Witness!

You can vote for @ocd-witness, with peakd or on Hive Witnesses.

@ocdb supports community curation!
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Thank you @OCD and @anggreklestari for the curation and support 😊You makes my day! 😘 Appreciated much ❤️

thank you so much 😍 🦉

You are welcome! Keep sharing all your passions with us 💯

Thank you to @mipiano and @ocd for the curation!

You are welcome. I hope your allergy is springing away soon 😉


Oh, no ... it will be July or August ... I live between FOUR PARKS, covering three cardinal wind directions, and the biggest is Golden Gate Park which is FOUR MILES of TREES and FLOWERS, just two blocks away ... the good part is beautiful walks ... the bad part is I will be needing a certain ethereal German gentleman to be handing me that ethereal handkerchief until about August 15...

That's a lot of flowers and number of handkerchiefs to be spent until August 🥴

Yes, it is ... we have a saying: "April is the cruelest month." I know that person had allergies...

Thank You ❤️