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RE: Another Gala, Another set of Pics in Various States of Undress

in #nsfw6 years ago

I WAS GOING TO MENTION THE BAD ASS SHOES!!! Seriously, I was, but I thought "don't make it weird, don't mention the shoes."

I should have listened to my first instincts!

It looked perfect just as is, BECAUSE it didn't look like a prop-shoot. It was more real and super hot and sexy because of it. Of course others might have a different opinion, but I love the raw realness of your photos. I feel like I'm peeking into your real world, rather than some sort of set up thing.

I mean, I'm not a stalker or anything, peeking in actual windows, but I appreciate your style and your sexy self.

And those shoes were AHMAZING too, btw.


It's like when you're driving around town in December, looking at Christmas lights on houses, and people have their blinds or curtains open & the inside of the house lit up. YOU HAVE TO LOOK INSIDE! even from the street, in your car!

Always compliment the shoes 😙😉


That is a perfect explanation!