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RE: Naruto Modo Senin(Modo Sabio)- Illustration.

in #ntopaz5 years ago

So you have no problems to keep them up on platforms that literally make money from your data but on an open platform like Steem you don't. Sounds more like leaving the option to recycle them later since we don't have evergreen rewards yet but just so you know that's frowned upon and steemcleaners will notice it.


Yep. Everything is saved in the blocks and we will catch it.

I don't really don't recycle them. I always spend time without uploading content because I almost have no time and little I do later. And I delete them because it's my decision, I don't see anything wrong with it? They really are my drawings, and although steemit seems like a brutal platform, I don't have a solid style and I only upload loose and experimental drawings, really, no idea I thought I was free to do whatever I wanted with my content. But good jo