CoronaVirus 5G Kung Flu · Suicide?! · Healing (re-updated)

in #nwo4 years ago (edited)


 Lets open our eyes and stop following viruses propaganda, learn what actually causes symptoms and the agenda behind it.. Again and again and..

 Stop watching the news and dedicate Your time to actually learn something instead of beLIEving what those who are 27/7/365 working to kill us all, just say no to all the crap..

 Following are a small compilation of info-videos, after watching them You'll have some more sources to actually start doing Your part, Your "homework", and without further ado..

( ..more info after the updated list near the end of post.. )

Electricity and flu connection..


Coronavirus Caused By 5G?


Coronavirus Fear, Germ Theory, Exosomes, and Resiliency..


Important Information on Coronavirus 5G Kung Flu

 One thing I feel that must be said about the next one, it probably wasn't a suicide, this great man who cared more for everyone than everyone cares for themselves, was pushed so much and probably mind/body controlled to do it, and he even told us he wouldn't commit suicide..

R.I.P. dear Derek Soberal
( ..thank You for all the dedication and sacrifice.. )

PEAK PANIC: Toronto Man..

HerbsPlusBeadWorks Channel (..a must watch.. Everything!!)


· 'Electricity and flu connection..'  (with better audio)

· Added one more video (next, click image to visit video page..)..

· One more update, 'The Body is a Torus' · different source,
  same information + more puzzle pieces
  (check site and watch video at the end of article or here..)


The Body is a Torus

❤ You all,
In Lak'ech Ala K'in

Images edited with GIMP · GNU Image Manipulation Program software


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I can't even access my wallet here on hive.. So if I even continue to post, instead of what I've had in mind posting both on steemit and hive, will only happen on steemit.. And this is how You "lose people"..