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RE: Easy Peasy DIY Maleficent Horn

in #ocd-resteem5 years ago

We have such similar interests 😁 ya, I am so for the bad ones lol. I loved how well the Evil Queen was so well played. And good looking! Loved her outfits!!!

Perhaps I will share the headdress I made with horns. I used an already made horn headdress and basically added 2 long horns and roses to make it more queen like, more badass 😁

Love what you made here, hand made is always best. And congratulations!!!

Posted using Partiko Android


ikr! Storybrooke has the best Evil Queen for sure. About time!

and you are the queen of costumes! i think i saw you shared some on discord before. bad ass! <3


I'm not sure if that was me. I do enjoy Halloween and making costumes and doing the makeup. I know I've shared before but thinking there may be others sharing too. Or is it just me that shares that?? Lol. Do you remember what you saw?

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