How Long Has Humanity Lived In Amnesia?

in #ocd3 years ago (edited)
Authored by @EarthCustodians

It always strikes us as odd when we hear people putting so much faith into the current scientific model but then mock the gods and goddesses of the world to claim intelligence supremacy over our barbarian ancestors. This is how the History Cartel wants us to remember about the past. But were they truly barbarians?

The rise of "blood spilling patriarchy" changed everything. It is said that Babylon designed first the patriarchal model in the region.

While crowds definitely were barbarian-minded, their elites had grasped the mysteries of life since the beginning of time, it seems. We may never know where all the knowledge came from but one thing is certain, we have to go all the way back prior to 12,000 BC if we wish to find out. But the timeline doesn't go any further officially. Only alternative archeologists go there.

The origin of races is also nebulous and it is really not clear at all whether all races already existed since the beginning, especially if agreeing with the Out Of Africa theory.

Let's ponder the last 5000 years and how fast technology developed. From there how to believe that homo sapiens have lived for so long, at least 200K years, in caves? This does not add up! If you read the Redicetv article, you will see a link to a report contending that the Out Of Africa theory has no rational basis. Then there were the Sumerians and Egyptians who already knew so much about the pineal gland, astronomy, and celestial events and how many planets in our solar system "before" the telescope was invented.

Yes, before you start your research, please think about it: how sentient beings with a brain as evolved as ours could have stayed 100s of 1000s of years without inventing anything? But there is an explanation and which is several cataclysms rocking the planet on a regular basis. Why aren't we told about this? Is there one that could happen within the next few years?

Then where all these cultures in Mesopotamia came from and which were master builders already, where did they get their skills? Not from the hunter-gatherers, though mainstream historians want us to endorse that blindly. Meanwhile, the same "strange" facts unfolded in India, where many temples are said to have been carved deep into the rock. The site featured in the video, Kailasa Temple, below was built using rudimentary tools and only 1K years ago into the biggest world monolith ever? Yes 1000 years ago... this is ludicrous!

The ancient Greeks and Romans knew all there is to know about human psychology and sovereignty. Pythagoras for example already knew that everything was vibration (Tuning Forks have been inspired by his work) and this validates "quantum physics" which is a fancy term for Consciousness. Pythagoras and (several other erudites at the time) also knew about the benefits of vegetarianism: those who wanted to attend the Mystery Schools were asked to quit eating animal flesh. Socrates, as we all know, paid the heavy price for challenging authority. Plato taught the building blocks of life, using the platonic solids and which prove that the universe is self-similar across scales (micro and macro are alike)

Plant medicines have been known since ever, Ayurveda is close to 4000 years old and still lauded as natural science. Chinese medicine already practiced acupressure 2000 years ago or so. Indigenous medicine is resurfacing everywhere and now revered. Where did all this knowledge come from? Not from cavemen for sure!

So what happened during all this time then, between 300,000BC and 10,000BC? ?

Not only the knowledge was suppressed but still today any "discovery" does confirm this ancient knowledge, and that means that we have been walking in circles during all this time. It is most likely why we find science that went wrong behind every ecocide... because we have lived in amnesia for much too long. Masses have been dumbed down over the millennia, schools have never taught them how to think for themselves. Even at the academic level, scientists follow blindly consensuses. Science is no longer excusable for the failure to understand that.

This is the modern dark age and we need to wake up!

Our blog today asks very basic questions, we definitely could go further down the rabbit hole, but we thought of penning an article that can be shared far and wide and for intermediate truth seekers.

“Out of Africa” Theory Officially Debunked (2014)

The temple is the largest single monolithic rock excavation in the world. It's the only time a whole mountain was carved to create a site.


Wow! Let's see, why do we think that men lived very primitively for most of our existence? It is because all available evidence points to it.

Whew, that was hard.

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I have also had some thoughts about how knowledge has evolved so much and so fast in the last 5000 years and 'how it didn't evolve in the same way for all the years before that'. And based on the knowledge we have and all that we have achieved today how fast we will evolve in the next centuries. Very good post @earthcustodians. Thanks for sharing!

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I absolutely love what you touch on here, as this is literally one of my favorite subjects! I am a sucker for Kemet and Alchemy so these are actually the narratives I like to read & write about 🙌
Cheers! I'm gonna check out your blog now 🥂