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RE: Sprouting Off

in #ocd3 years ago (edited)

Ooh, he sounds like a man of greatness, I love the less is more approach!

Regarding yield, I get all the tomatoes I need (and then some!)from twelve plants, but then again I don’t play the potting on game either, as usually my sprouts go right in the pot they stay in til they are plunked in the ground. I’ve learned the hard way as a youngin that you do not start your seedlings too soon, so I’m super glad to hear that is a cool thing:)

I can tell you what I do with the dozens of tomato plants I grow, half the plants I give away to my friends and family, and the other half I plant and give away the fruit to other friends and family, sometimes to the same ones who over fertilize the plants I gave them and get sad yields. Honestly, I’m a tomato growing nut, I just love raising them, it’s an affliction, but few things make me happier than wandering through my rebar cages of plants that are over my head while pinching off suckers, like I said, a nut😁

I am so glad you shared your wonderings!