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RE: Have I a Fear of Heights Or Fear of Falling?

in #ocd2 years ago

If into the past you look, only heartache will you find. -Master Yoda-

Dude, they're truly awful. But what's worse is So were you. Don't go stirring ghosts and poking demons that slumber or else you'll remember that time you didn't lose your virginity because you had to take a shit. Do you really need that in your life?


How do you know so much about me?? 😂 Being honest. I disguised it as a shit because nothing was happening down there due to the nerves of losing the virginity so I spent ten minutes slapping it off the sink to get him going! Then when I actually had a shit, my excuse was used and I couldn't go twice so I had to hold it in. Disaster of a night. Plus I'm scared of heights. Why do we fall Alfred? 😭

Lmao! I can't think of anything that would make 1upping that pay off in a way I can be proud of. Peace out until we meet again! ✌️