Odds and Ends — 4 February 2022


My first battle against Scarred Llama Mage (99 Mana, Aim True and Holy Protection rule sets).

Cryptocurrency, Investing, Money, Economy, and Debt:

Court victory precedent: IRS may not tax staking rewards until sold

How the NFT startup HitPiece managed to piss off hundreds of musical artists at once.

Inflation In Turkey Hits 48.7%

Turkey’s official inflation rate reached the highest level since Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s ruling party came to power almost two decades ago, as global inflationary pressures combine with the president’s unorthodox economic management to fuel a surge in prices.

Coronavirus News, Analysis, and Opinion:

Army to Begin Discharging Unvaccinated Soldiers

So long, Omicron: White House eyes next phase of pandemic

Biden and his top health officials have already begun hinting at an impending “new normal."

Anti-Vax Priest Who Claimed Vaccines Contain ‘Aborted Embryos’ Dies of COVID

GoFundMe pauses donations to Canada truckers


In December 2021 unvaccinated people in the United States were 97 times more likely to die of COVID than people who are vaccinated and boosted. 97 times more likely. Just think about that number.

Texas está congelado. Otra vez:

Oh sure, now Gov. Abbott goes squishy on promise that lights will stay on in winter storm

Greg Abbott Scratches Promise That People He Governs Will Have Basic Survival Utilities

Panic buying before winter storm hits North Texas shows we haven’t learned anything


How Close We Came

The Washington Post reports on an explosive memo suggesting that then-President Trump should “invoke the extraordinary powers of the National Security Agency and Defense Department to sift through raw electronic communications in an attempt to show that foreign powers had intervened in the 2020 election to help Joe Biden win.”

California county on track to be run by militia-aligned group

“Distrust in government has permeated the most local levels,” said Colin Clarke, a terrorism expert. “I’m familiar with the indicators of extremism and radicalization. I see them in places I never expected to see them. If you had told me as terrorism expert I’d be talking about school boards, I’d have said you’re crazy.”

Why Democrats Keep Losing Culture Wars

North Korea Hacked Him. So He Took Down Its Internet

For the past two weeks, observers of North Korea’s strange and tightly restricted corner of the internet began to notice that the country seemed to be dealing with some serious connectivity problems. On several different days, practically all of its websites—the notoriously isolated nation only has a few dozen—intermittently dropped offline en masse… At least one of the central routers that allow access to the country’s networks appeared at one point to be paralyzed, crippling the Hermit Kingdom’s digital connections to the outside world.
Some North Korea watchers pointed out that the country had just carried out a series of missile tests, implying that a foreign government’s hackers might have launched a cyberattack against the rogue state to tell it to stop saber-rattling.
But responsibility for North Korea’s ongoing internet outages doesn’t lie with US Cyber Command or any other state-sponsored hacking agency. In fact, it was the work of one American man in a T-shirt, pajama pants, and slippers, sitting in his living room night after night, watching Alien movies and eating spicy corn snacks—and periodically walking over to his home office to check on the progress of the programs he was running to disrupt the internet of an entire country.

South Florida seniors alarmed after political party was unknowingly changed to Republican

Spain’s Socialists Pass Agenda on Mistaken Vote

Spain’s Socialist-led government has achieved one of its biggest policy goals after a single vote cast in error secured parliamentary approval for labour reforms that are a condition for aid from the EU’s 800 billion euro coronavirus recovery fund.
In scenes of confusion, the measure was approved by 175 votes to 174 after the president of the chamber of deputies had initially declared it defeated. The legislation only went through because a member of the People’s party, the center-right opposition, appeared to mistakenly back the measure and was not permitted to change his vote.

Donald Trump is done pretending. He is now openly celebrating the Capitol riot

Ron De Santis Refuses to Condemn Nazi Rally

DeSantis claimed those asking him to condemn the Nazis tried to “use this as some type of political issue.”


Climate change could enable Alaska to grow more of its own food – now is the time to plan for it


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The circus spectacle of the Canadian truckers freely driving thousands of miles to protest their lack of freedom is such an echo chamber of stupid from both sides. Not surprising that gofundme is holding onto the money as I have seen them do that for legit organizations like charities.

They should be blogging on Hive and collecting money directly from the people who support their cause rather than put it in trust with a company who likes to keep the money.

Interesting links to cover almost all the happenings. Changing climate and farming in Alaska could be the other extreme of the ice age. There are way too many variables to that news.