My Share Your Battle Weekly Challenge

in #oneup2 years ago (edited)

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Chaos Knight Life Splinter Warrior

My entry is one of what not to do with the Chaos Knight. In low mana battles, Chaos Knight is great. I thought my lineup had a good chance of winning but, I could not even get past the opponent Unicorn Mustang.

Check out my lineup below

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I Actually Thought I Had A Chance

This is a low mana battle of just 24. I chose Mother Kala as my Summoner +1 life for only 3 mana. Then I placed Chaos Knight in 1st position, with Luminous Eagle in the Reach position. I thought Luminous Eagle being a creature of flight, and fast would be the perfect backup. Feral Spirit is very fast, and has sneak ability, and Venari CrystalSmith has a Ranged attack plus tank heal ability. Venari CrystalSmith is twice as fast as the Goblin Psychic. Celestial Harpy with opportunity ability was perfect for guarding the rear.

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As You Can See I Was Massacered!!

The combination of Unicorn Mustang & Goblin Psychic completely outclassed my Chaos Knight & Venari CrystalSmith combination. Also The Melee attack and speed of the Unicorn Mustang ripped through my complete lineup. My biggest mistake was not choosing a supporting backline that had more powerful attacks. I have noticed that sneak and opportunity monsters are much more effective when their damage is more than +2 and speed is +3.

I think the Chaos Kight is a great card with a lot to offer especially for low mana battles. Leveling up the Chaos Kight will make this card much more powerful. Remember before powering up monsters a powerup summoner is required to use them and each league has limits on the levels of summoners and monster that can be used. If you are in Bronze league like me then only level 1 summoners are recognized.

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Every Monday & Wednesday @ 9 pm EST. I will be doing a live stream about succeeding with Splinterlands. The Journey to Gold and Beyond. I will be giving away a Splinterlands Monster Card, so be sure to have your in-game name (IGN) handy to pop in the chat when prompted, to qualify for the giveaway 😃

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