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RE: Aurealistic - SL01 (Original music)

in #originalmusic7 years ago

It's amazing actually lol. The layout is much better. The mixing rack and new rack extensions really help with sound creation. You can take all the stock sound files and just tweak on instrument for hours and keep making new sounds. The knob EQing is gone and replaces with a visual shape WAV editor. The auto compression and mastering is much cleaner also..I recommend it very much. VST support now also!


This is the first beat on 9.5 I made with just stock sounds in the FSB

Nice!! Sounds awesome!!! Can't wait to get my hands on it! XD!! Thanks for the heads up.

So I picked up a new M-Audio Keyboard today and was given a digital download of a few new VSTs and 2 coupons to upgrade the VIP AIR VST for $50 which gave me 16 gigs (10,000+ sounds) of instruments from AKAI synths ($1000 value if purchased w/o code). The second coupon was for the entire VST Library by AKAI for $ paycheck lol.) The sounds are AMAZING.