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RE: My EDC haversack dump March 2022

in #outdoors2 years ago

Yeah, EDC is always a very personal thing. This is mostly urban EDC with a surprise day walk thrown in. A pair of undies, socks and a tooth brush and it's now an overnight kit too. Great reminder on carrying Loperamide - I haven't needed it often but when one needs it, you need it!

I use the mint oil for a lot of things: mostly easing migraine symptoms and nausea. Though, mint oil can also mask bad smells, ease headaches, ease stomach issues, repel insects, ease insect bites, mask itches, clear blocked noses, soothe a chest issues, open up a scratchy throat (useful for public speaking)... I have used mint oil for all of these things. Mint oil is not necessarily the best (or cheapest) for each of these uses, but it works well enough for some many tasks to justify the cost and weight.


nice multi purpose item. I think I'll get me a small bottle and add that to my EDC. thanks, :)