
Sure thing. Just typed in eturnerx into discord and you did not come up. What is your discord ID?

Try this: eturnerx deadmeme purveyor#9420
Or this:

World Travel Pro#9731

Is my discord ID. The link you gave me brought me to my discord homepage, and when I copied and pasted all or any part of your name nothing came up. I'm feeling quite dumb at the moment. I'm really not too familiar with discord. If you can't find me. we can connect on facebook here

I've sent you a friend request on Discord. I'm slowly winding my FB down atm, so let's try keep it to Discord.

Right. I'm right there with you. Just use FB for messenger with a few people.

I see the friend request. Awesome. I aught to figure out why it was not bringing up your name on my side. But I'll catch you over there.