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RE: The Good The Bad And The Urinals

in #outofthinair2 years ago

I know almost nothing about Salem. The name scares me and I'm afraid if I go I'll get burned at the stake. I think I've been to Coos Bay, but never on a bike. Weird about the fuel. Huh.

Look out Portland! Don't make me do a contrast between there and Orange County, Ca.

I wonder who would win. I haven't been to Orange County, like actually hung out there, since I was a child. Driving through on the 5 doesn't count. But LA's freeways have a nice lining of debris.


Ah, you only noticed cuz you were parked. Hop on any LA freeway between 2:23am and 3:14am (when there's no traffic and it's dark) you can hardly tell.

LOL that's practically the only time I'll drive LA.