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RE: You Go Your Way I'll Go Mine

in #outofthinair9 months ago

Much thanks.

I wasn't looking for it when I found it, good idea huh? I got a bunch of images I'd like to save on the blockchain but I get loaded up. Those are about 4 months old, Atlas doesn't need a leash anymore.. When she has one on nowadays, it's only cuz a human nearby did something really strange and made everyone painfully aware they're terrified of us.

Anywho, words.. I get carried away with them sometimes. This community helps with that.

Always nice to see you.


Thanks my friend - definitely always nice to chat! Atlas is one spectacular looking pup - stunning. German Shepherd, right? You captured her wonderfully.. adorable, 'don't mess with me' hound!


She just turned 10 months a week ago. I adore her more than a word defines. Before her, I had about 300 images in my 2017 iPhone dinosaur. Fast forward to now, I got so many images and videos and little gif things I make, seems like I'm buying cloud space every month.

She really is magnificent!.. just went back to that pic where she is lookin' right at the camera. Looking forward to more adventures from the two of ya.

She runs like a cheetah - eesh lmao