
Much thanks. She's only the greatest addition to the house, ever! = }

It's nothing personal, no hard feelings and all that. I've had to send an explanation like this more than once.

I use Ecency regularly and I think their promote feature is the worst feature across the entire app. I've asked, pleaded, and everything else for any sort of resolution. I've suggested spending Hive, Ecency points, whatever it takes to hide promoted content and, for about two years now, @good-karma ensures me they're working on it. dot dot dot.

I explain myself in detail here about how promoted content possibly hides original content from my view and then there it is again tomorrow, same got dang promoted content, and the next day and the day after that and the day after that, the exact same cover image clogging my feed.

In the meantime, my only solution to hide promoted content whether it's self-promoted or not is to mute the author.

I hope you understand.