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RE: Something To Chew On That'll Enhance Your Shit

in #outofthinair2 years ago

Found it 😉
Yes, these are such valuable points to watch for when posting photos. You can always make a photo better and stand out in a crowd. And it doesn’t even take that long.
Great information for the newbies here @dandays 😎👋🏻 Thanks for that.

Have you heard of LightX Express? An app… for editing and so much more. I have it on phone plus iPad. When I was still playing with my iPhone 5 for photos it helped so much. Now they added even more tools to it.

Great post!


Have I told you lately I enjoy having you in the comment section? I do. I would tell you to rub the dogs ears for me but we're in the same boat!!

I'm glad you saw this one. You engage with so many new people so often, I see you atop the leaderboard daily, sometimes tricks are easier to explain when someone else already spelled it out.

I have not heard of LightX. Is it lame that I do all of my enhancing with the factory tools inside the device? I'm probably doing it the hard way.

Thank you.

Thank you kindly sir ☺️ That’s nice to hear. Hehehe I imagine it…

Of course I would check it out, we talked about your posting later today.
You are so right in that. It is easier sometimes. Why invent the wheel again, we are a WE, so we can share information. For all.

Nope not lame at all… I do both. Sometimes or the device alone… or the app alone. Or combine them.
It isn’t easy at all. See it like a little photoshop version. You do need to do a lot of things. But it does work well. Luckily it has a short tutorial in the beginning for each tool how to use it. Have a look into it 🤓 it’s cool. If not, also just fine 😁

Thank YOU so much 😁😎 have a good evening!