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RE: That Was A Mouthful

in #outofthinair2 years ago

Oh my word @dandays, your life has really changed, but at least your Pura can now get treatment sooner and not have to wait all night long in an emergency room! That really is invaluable and worth the sacrifices!'ll have to watch that mouth of yours and save it for Hive, I mean REALLY, they need to write a new Oxford dictionary which you'll have to study from beginning to end so you know which words are acceptable! It would drive me nutty having to mind my Ps & Qs!
We have to be careful here as well, but whereas they'll be polite in the EngLand, you could get accused of crime injuria; or the person you offended may just 'donder' you right on the nose if you're a man. Not a polite word to use by the way, literally translated it means thunder, but in Afrikaans it's not a nice word when giving someone a bloody nose! That's if you're in the big bully's territory and his mates are with him!
I do wish you and Pura all the best and hope she at least will have less pain now that she's getting good medical care.
You sure know how to write so don't go doubting yourself!


That might be the roller coasterest (stay with meeeeeee) emotion I've read in a comment. How long have we been doing this? A while. I felt your empathy and humor in that one, serious, I melted and laughed in the same breath. Sh.. Don't tell anyone I said that. I'm a sissy and allergic to donder.

You're a sweetheart @lizelle. Thank you for noticing, thank you for caring, and I'm enamored you mentioned the emergency room. Yes, we've come a long way and not just travel distance. Life is a trip. I've just been dealing with way too much to try to keep up with this social media stuff but wanted to update the people who care. My emotions get the best of me sometimes.

I know I've said this before said this before this before, but it's when my sweetheart, host type, someone's grandma type stop by I feel so bad for the curse words. :blue face emoji: I forget how public this is sometimes.

Lizelle, that virtual pressure on your cheek was me. Thank you. And for the reblog too.

'Awe! Tell her she's a kind soul!' -Pura