This article should have drawn a lot more attention, if for no other reason than all of the pics of JB and DT and the utterly ridiculous garbage they spew from their cake holes.
Nothing like having an area dedicated to whatever inspires one to do. When you set aside a place to do your thing, it puts you in the right state of mind to get creative. That painting Pura did is beautiful.
The day that your dreams become reality would be a day I would like to be around to see what euphoria really looks like.
See what I mean? Eh, I bet D and A makes more sense around the farm now yeah?
(yeah whatever, it's all I got after a comment like that!) You're the best Sweed!
Makes sense now! I'm having a little lunch now, BLT with lots of mayo. I swear to God, I can't eat mayo without thinking of you!
That made me laugh real good. Dude I can hardly even pass the Mayo aisle in a market without smelling that shit!!
That's funny. Only a few things I won't do and you know me well enough to know that eggy, creamy, vinegary, whatever the hell elsy isn't'e' in the fridgy for me'e.'