Día de la mudanza // Moving Day

in #palnet3 years ago


Last month I finally got to meet my little sister. I had been alone so long I forgot that what loneliness felt like. Those 11 days were probably the best of my life. So I find myself 75% finished with packing my things and moving out.


El mes pasado por fin pude conocer a mi hermanita. Había estado tanto tiempo sola que había olvidado lo que se siente al estar sola. Esos 11 días fueron probablemente los mejores de mi vida. Así que me encuentro con un 75% de terminar de empacar mis cosas y mudarme.

Most of it was spent watching nursery rhyme videos and being drooled on my infant niece. The exception to the week was being drunk and cruising the panhandle which was the most efficient use of the time we had together. I mean it was spring break...


La mayor parte la pasamos viendo vídeos de canciones infantiles y dejándonos babear por mi sobrina. La excepción a la semana fue emborracharse y recorrer el panhandle, que fue el uso más eficiente del tiempo que tuvimos juntos. Quiero decir que eran las vacaciones de primavera...


The drive went surprisingly well. I drove 1,300 miles (2,092 km) and only went the wrong direction once, thought it was in south Alabama after dark. I managed 650 miles (1,046 km) a day and saw some interesting things, like this rocket.


El viaje fue sorprendentemente bien. Conduje 1.300 millas (2.092 km) y solo me equivoqué de dirección una vez, pensé que era en el sur de Alabama después de oscurecer. Logré recorrer 650 millas (1.046 km) cada día y vi algunas cosas interesante son, como este cohete.


Here’s looking forward to the next chapter of my life, which will coincidentally start almost every morning with Ruger assisting me in the Dunkin Donuts drive thru.


Espero con ansias el próximo capítulo de mi vida, que casualmente comenzará casi todas las mañanas con Ruger asistiéndome en el autoservicio de Dunkin Donuts.


All photos and videos taken with my iPhone SE (2020)

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Glad you made it.

I was the gray man

Glad you made it, make sure to soak in the local culture so you can be the best Florida man possible.

Greener pastures ahead. Well, if I recall correctly, you have Cuban blood in you, so I think you'll take to Florida like a duck to water. I miss American road trips. Good luck down (up) there my friend.

Dude you needed to put yourself next to the superman for that pic!!!

If his arms were out I would have crawled into them so he could hold me like a baby.

i think you did just didnt take any pictures of it

Pls play with gators and let me know when you do 😂

They say there aren’t any this far north but we will see.